Friday, August 16, 2019

Barriers to Communication in the Health Sector

Barriers to communications in health and social care Communication is simply being able to pass a message and that message being understood by the person it was meant for and well understood and carried out without any problem. When this circle is interrupted either message is lost or not understood then we need to understand why. Barriers in the health sector comes in either: PHYSICAL is when a person can not access the care they want or need because of a physical problem like a walking difficulty or a wheelchair access * EMMOTIONAL:The barriers in the care sector are emotions. If not have dealt with certain feelings before by the feeler. †'Emotions can play a big part in barriers. It is important that workers within the health and social care field do not let their own emotions get the better of them.They must be professional and although friendships can be made it is important not too get attached to a service user or patient. † †'In the health and social care se tting many people may have problems and many things may be hard to deal with but workers must maintain professionals and not show a lot of emotion, yes we can empathise but we should not make a service user feel worse or more upset. * LANGUAGE :If a patient calls at his Gp and he cant speak English and no one can understand what he/she is saying then it might lead to time waste in treating that patient in terms of diagnosing patient ailment which could be deadly in terms of wrong diagnoses or time wasted in getting an interpreter.

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